Step 10: Quick Add - Upload a photo

Lastly, let's upload a photo using Quick Add. These instructions will show you how to share a photo with a child's parents. 

  1. Click the Quick Add button at the top of the Grid page, Calendar, or in the left-side navigation panel.
  2. Click in the Students field, and select the student for whom you want to upload a photo.
  3. Skip down to the Photos section and click in the box that says "Drag or drop photo into dotted area or click to browse."
  4. Select one or more photos from your device's photos.
  5. Check the box next to "Share photo with parents."
  6. Then, just click "Save" and that's it!

If this is the first time you've uploaded a photo to share with the parents of the selected student, a new "Shared" photo album will be created for him/her and the photo will be added to that album. It will be automatically shared with any parents attached to that student's profile, and if they have downloaded our mobile app, they will receive a push notification about the photo within an hour.
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