School Year Manager
The School Year Manager Tab, found in your School Profile, is an optional feature to provide you with a tool to create date "filters" for viewing data. It does not display on your calendar, nor is it required to define each individual school year. You may click edit at anytime next to a school year to change the dates included in that filter. Only data recorded between the dates of the "current school year" can be edited in your current school year's record keeping pages, but each student's all-time records will be displayed in the Grid. If you click "finish" next to a school year, the dates will become a permanent filter and effectively archive all data entered during that school year. That data is still viewable by adjusting the school year filters in the desired pages of a student profile, but it can no longer be edited.
UPDATE: At the present moment, the "Finish" option is not available in the School Year Manager. We are evaluating the issue and will update here once again when a decision is reached in regards to the future of this feature. In the meantime, you should simply edit your current school year dates to include the new school year so that your account will function normally for record keeping and communication (essentially implement the "ongoing school year" approach mentioned below, even if just temporarily).
In order to view and access your students' cumulative records in the most convenient way for the teachers, we recommend using what we call the "ongoing school year" approach. Rather than divide your School Year Manager into each individual school years, creating multiple filters by which to view a student's records, the ongoing school year would simply represent a date range encompassing multiple school years. This allows the system to display your students' cumulative records, viewable and editable by his/her teacher at any point. A teacher would only be able to edit lessons recorded for a student in his/her current classroom. And you always have the option to select a specific date range (actual current school year dates, for example) on the various reports available in your MC account, such as an Attendance Report or a Progress Report. Additionally, you will not be able to create a cumulative Progress Report including more than one school year (a full 3-year cycle report, for example) if you have individual school years defined in your account since the system can only include data recorded in the "current" school year on a new Progress Report.
We recommend that, for ease of use and the accessibility of cumulative data, you maintain one continuous school year, beginning when you first subscribed to MC (or before). You may keep pushing out the "end date" each year (or several years at a time) in order to include the current school year in the ongoing cumulative year. To edit the School Year dates, just go to <More/School Profile> and select the School Year Manager Tab. Click the green "Edit" link next to the current school year (if you have multiple school years in your account, it is the one that is still showing the "finish" link next to it and should be at the top of the list). Adjust the dates as desired, and click "Update School Year."
If you have already "finished" a school year, and wish to switch to the ongoing school year approach, you can always edit the current school year to include dates from a previous school year(s). This would reactivate those lessons recorded in previous school years (since they are once again included in the current school year's dates) and allow them to be edited and/or included on a new Progress Report once again.