All New Photos Page

We’re excited to announce our brand new Photos page! We’ve been listening to your feedback over the past few years, and we know these upgrades will make managing and sharing photos with your families easier than ever!

One of the biggest improvements we’ve made is to the filtering and sorting options. You now have various options by which to sort your photo albums (last updated or alphabetical), and you can filter out older albums by choosing to view only those updated today or in the past 7, 14, 30, 60, or 90 days. Additionally, you can filter albums by student as well as by classroom! So, you can quickly see all albums that are shared with a particular student, or only albums shared with a particular classroom.

We also brought back the ability to DELETE entire photo albums! Many of you have requested this in an effort to clean up your photos page and remove albums for students who are no longer in your school. We had removed the delete option temporarily because there were some instances of accidental deletion, which could not be reversed at the time. So, our new photos page has a built-in grace period of 90 days! If you delete an album or individual photo, it will go to the “Deleted” page, where it will stay for 90 days before being permanently deleted. At any point during the 90 days, you can restore the photo or album to active use, essentially pulling it out of the trash. 

Please note: We recommend removing all viewers of a photo album PRIOR to deleting it, as the mobile app will continue to display deleted albums to parents with whom it was shared until they are permanently deleted after 90 days. To remove the album from view immediately, please edit the album to remove the Viewers first, and then you can delete it from the account.

Lastly, we updated the design with a sleeker, more modern layout, and brought the editors and viewers of the album to the front page so you can easily see who has access to the photos and who can make changes to the albums.

We hope you enjoy the new Photos page! As you play around and test it out, please feel free to send us your feedback and suggestions. We always love hearing from you!

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