Editing or Adding Curriculum
Montessori Compass is pleased to provide its users with a comprehensive Scope & Sequence. We understand that curriculum is not "one-size-fits-all," therefore we have built tools for customizing the curriculum to suit the needs of your school.
It is important to note that all account users at your school utilize the same central curriculum and therefore any changes to the curriculum made by a single user will impact all users. The ability to edit curriculum is limited to the following user types: Account Owner, Administrators, Teachers who have been designated as Curriculum Editors.
It is possible to customize all aspects of the existing content including:
- Category names, descriptions, addition of new categories, removal of categories (archiving), and display options (viewable or not viewable on activity and progress reports)
- Subcategory names, sequence, addition of new sub-categories, removal of sub-categories (archiving), and display options (viewable or not viewable on activity and progress reports)
- Lesson names, descriptions, photo/video, year cycles, sequence in the list of lessons, and location in the curriculum, addition/removal/alteration of lessons, and elements and standards associated with a lesson
Editing the Curriculum Categories:
Go to <More> and select <Curriculum> from the list of options. Then click the "Edit categories" link in the upper left (above the Curriculum page heading). A list of existing categories will be displayed with an "Add Category" link at the top and two text links to the right of each existing category: "Edit" and "Archive."
- To add a new category, click the "Add Category" button and enter a title for the category. Check the box if you'd like this new category to be displayed on Progress Reports, and enter any category descriptions you wish (optional).
- To remove a category, click the "Archive" link. This will remove all sub-categories and lessons associated with that category. To view and/or restore Archived categories, click the "Archived Categories" link at the bottom of the category list and click the "Restore" link(s) next the the Category you wish to restore.
- To edit the category, click the "Edit" link. Options for changing the name of the category, the display of the category, as well as the category description will appear. Category descriptions can be unique for each year cycle. These category descriptions display on the Progress Reports.
*Be sure to click the "Update Category" button at the bottom in order to save your changes.
Editing the Curriculum Sub-categories:
Again, go to <More/Curriculum> and click on any Curriculum Category to reveal all of it's Sub-categories below with the number of lessons in each one noted next to it. Place your cursor over a Sub-Category and three links will appear at the right: "Add Lesson/Material", "Edit", and "Archive".
- To add a new sub-category, click the "Add Sub-category" link at the top of the curriculum page. Give the sub-category a title, choose where in the sequence of sub-categories the new sub-category should appear, and choose whether the lessons in the sub-category should or should not be displayed on Activity Reports and Progress Reports.
- To remove a sub-category, click the "Archive" link that appears to the right when you place your cursor on the sub-category name. This will remove all lessons within the sub-category as well. To view and/or restore Archived sub-categories, click the "Archived Sub-categories" link at the bottom of the sub-category list and click the "Restore" link(s).
- To edit an existing sub-category, click the "Edit" link that appears to the right when you place your cursor on the sub-category name. This will make it possible to change the name of the sub-category, the sequence in the list of sub-categories and the visibility of the sub-category on Activity Reports and Progress Reports.
Editing Curriculum Lessons:
- To add a new lesson, place your cursor on a sub-category (or click the sub-category title), then click the "Add Lesson/Material" link at the right. Give the Lesson/Material a *title, *cycle years that the lesson is associated with, and choose where in the sequence of lessons the new lesson should appear. You may also want to add a parent-friendly description, a teacher note, photo URL, video URL (from Vimeo or YouTube). This educational information will be available to parents through Activity Reports and Progress Reports by clicking on the links provided to them in these communications.
*Two fields are required for the successful addition of a new lesson to your curriculum; a lesson name, and a minimum of one year cycle selected.
- To remove a lesson, place your cursor on the lesson name and click the "Archive" link that appears to the right. To view and/or restore Archived lessons, click the "# Archived lesson/material(s)" link next to the sub-category name in which the lesson was archived. Scroll to the bottom of the lessons listed in that sub-category and the archived lessons will be listed in gray text. Click the "Restore" link(s) next to the desired lesson(s) and it will be returned to it's proper location in the curriculum sequence. There is not a way to permanently delete an item from the curriculum as a way to safe-guard your school's curriculum for future editing.
- To edit an existing lesson, place your cursor on the lesson name and click the "Edit" link that appears to the right. This will make it possible to change the name of the lesson, the parent-friendly description, the cycle years associated with the lesson, the lesson photo/video, and its sequence in the list of lessons. In addition, it is possible to move a lesson to a new category and sub-category by using the drop-down filters at the bottom of the lesson profile.