Step 2: Create a Student

After creating a classroom, the next step is to create a student. Here's how:

  1. Go to <More/Student Profiles> and click the green "Add Student" button at the top of the page.
  2. Enter a child's first and last name, gender, and birthdate. 
  3. Check the box next to the classroom you've created to assign the child to that classroom.
  4. We recommend selecting a cycle year for the student as well, but that is optional.
  5. Enter any other optional information you wish.
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the green "Save Changes" button.


  • A student must be assigned to a classroom in order to try out record keeping.
  • Assigning a cycle year to a student is optional, but will enable some record keeping short cuts and filtering options. These can be added later if you choose to skip it at this point.
  • During a trial, you may choose to create a demo student to test out the features of MC, or you may go ahead and enter real student information. Any data entered during your trial will be retained once you decide to upgrade your account. 
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